Hey Team,
We have had such a successful week with our Fit and Fed. We have footage coming out of a few peoples thoughts on the sessions and their impact on youth in certain areas so keep an eye out for that.
One of our attendees spoke of the community we create at our fit and feds and the impact on his confidence, telling all about how he would have spent the week playing PlayStation in his room and how thanks to our sessions he could go out and have fun with friends and how he thinks it is cool that we encourage fitness and also provide a nutritious lunch for them.
Over the course of the week we have delivered over 100 meals on average per day across the six sites, and had a range of activities for all to enjoy, Activities included boxing fitness, football, basketball and many others, giving the kids a range of games to engage with and some variation throughout the week.
We look forward to having the opportunity to run more of these sessions, with overwhelming success each time, we love hearing the impact we’ve had on peoples life, until next time team.