Celebrating International Women’s Day!

Good afternoon Team,

We are very excited to be talking about our plans for celebrating international women’s day! We are attending an event at Medway Park, next Tuesday the 8th of March and hosting our own mobile boxing arena from 12:30 to 7pm.

This requires no booking and is completely free so just turn up! Don’t forget to to wear comfortable clothing and bring some water and maybe a snack. There will be some refreshments there for you to buy but just stay hydrated!

For those who are unaware of our mobile boxing arena and what it is, it is a square ring with ropes and padded out corners for your safety. There are 8 punching bags hanging and coaches will assist you in learning new techniques, however, if you don’t want to use the bag we will also have coaches available on pads.

This also is our first opportunity to have newly trained female coaches, Kizzy and Angel, use the skills they learnt at our England Boxing Box Instructor Course not too long ago.

We want to empower women alongside many others at Medway Park this Tuesday and show that women belong in sports just as much as men. So pop along and do your part this international women’s day!

Also for those who are unaware, we do provide boxing gloves however if you have your own feel free to bring them along.